Biotekhnosfera № 1-2/2014 |
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550 Руб.
Technical Tools And Technologies For Human Security Trushin A. V., Gabay I. A., Mukhachev E. V., Lyamov K. G., Nosov V. N. Automatized registration of spontaneous movement activity of Danio rerio embryos in bio-testing of environment factors The new method of automatic registration of spontaneous movement activity in Teleostei Danio rerio on 35 somite pairs stage was developed and applied. Implemented software makes it possible to perform fine-tuned analysis synchronized in the whole population of embryonic material. Performed biotesting is based on evaluation of environment factors influence on reactivity of nervous system at the stages of it formation. As a result of experimental approbation the increase of biotesting effectiveness was shown. Keywords: spontaneous locomotion, bioassay test, electromagnetic irradiation. Kropotov S. P., Tokarev A. Yu., Vyushina A. V.. Golovina A. S., Pritvorova A. V., Philippova E. B. Detection of hypoxic resistance on spectrophotometric data of oxidizing stress Spektrofotometric research of indicators of an oxidizing stress allows to predict individual hypoxic resistance. The oxidizing modification of proteins and level of reduced thiols as an indicator of an oxidizing stress were investigated. The resting levels of indicators of spontaneous oxidizing modification of proteins at the low hypoxic resistance group are much lower, than that at the high resistance group. The resting levels of reduced thiols in the high resistance group were lower than that in low resistance group. Keywords: spectrophotometry, hypoxia, oxidizing modification of proteins, reduced thiols. Kropotov S. P., Kabanov M. V., Mordovin I. S., Zait-seva A. V., Golovina A. S. Protocols for cardiopulmonany exercise testing In this revue a methods of measurement of the workload on treadmill, bicycle ergometer and crank ergometer were summarized. Also we analised a various standard protocols for this types of ergometers. Keywords: protocol, workload, ergometer. Savchenko V. V., Suzdaltsev D. A., Korolev V. A.. Komrakov D. Yu. Comparative analysis of contact and noncontact technologies for human physiological state monitoring This article focuses on analyzing current physiological data monitoring systems. Applicability of physiological signals registration methods to monitor responses both in lab and in natural daily life conditions is demonstrated. The method of analyzing correlations of physiological responses while being exposed to emotionally relevant information is suggested. The significant correlation is found between alternations in physiological signals, recorded with contact and non-contact method. Application of non-contact physiological signal registration method is argued to be an alternative to conventional means of human functional state monitoring. Keywords: papillary diameter, RR-interval, photoplethysmography, respiration rate, emotions, physiological response. Egorov S. A., Krotov S. V., Kuznetsov N. I., Ustinov S. P. A method of local temperature measurement for electromagnetic hyperthermia applications In this paper a methods of local temperature measurement is described. It is based on original device model that utilizes a thermocouple embedded in standard medical needle for infusions. Basic field of application for the described method is cancer treatment based on electromagnetic hyperthermia. Keywords: temperature measurements, hyperthermia, thermocouple. Vorobiova E. V., Titov A. S., Ruban V. V. Application experience fundus - chambers in experimental practice with use of laboratory animals and veterinary ophthalmology This article describes the experience of application of ophthalmologic device fundus camera NIDEK 200 for research with animals in veterinary medicine. Keywords: ophthalmology, fundus-chamber, eye bottom, a forward piece of an eye. Hodotova Z. N., Ivanova L. E., Nosov V. N., Vershinina E. A., Varovin I. A., Shelepin K. Yu. Methods development for the measurements of the animal's functional status The study is focused on developing methods of general functional state assessment in rhesus macaque exposed to electromagnetic radiation produced by off-the-shelf desktop Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, desktop (PC), laptops, primates, cognitive system, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system, activity success, cortisol. Ruban V. V., Makarova E. G., Hatushina Yu. N., Vorobiova E. V., Matushkina E. N., Titov A. S. In the article the technique of contrast gepatografii in order to determine the amount of liver after acute income of Xenobiotics in the body of major laboratory animal Oral and parenteral routes of entry of Xenobiotics in the body of the first body-target supports the liver. The initial reaction of the liver as a body can be measured not only by changing the biochemical indicators of metabolic or ciller cytolytic activity, but also to change its volume. Proposed implementation of measuring the size of the liver lobes on the vertical sagittal and horizontal axes, with subsequent calculation of its amount. Studies were carried out repeatedly, there are studies of the biochemical activity of the serum transaminases, alanine aminotransferase (AlAt) and aspartate aminotransferase (AsAt). Keywords: the caused potentials, components, the visual caused potentials, power characteristics. Logunova E. V., Shelepin Yu. E., Shabalina N. A., Britikov A. A., Pronin S. V. Investigation of the safety of the visual environment Secure the human perception of environmental biotechnosphere depends on the particular structure, combination and the number of elements that make up a complex environment. To describe the features of the physical parameters of the perceived image scene we applied spatial frequency analysis of digital images and images of natural landscape and complex man-made environment. Found that certain spatial-frequency characteristics make it possible to predict the characteristics of visual perception, emotional reaction and assess the degree of potential environmental hazards. Keywords: visual ecology, spatial-frequency analysis, visual field, sematic meaning, visual stimuli. Artemov S. I. Tool methods of research reactions of the human brain on weak single sound and visual stimuli In the present article provides an overview of the methods to study the reactions of the human brain on the weak single sound and visual stimuli. A comparative analysis of methods of investigation of reactions of the human brain on the basis of positron emission tomography «PET», measurements of the conductivity of the skin and electroencephalography. Defined the specificity of the problem research of reactions of the human brain on the weak single sound and visual stimuli and requirements of the methods used. The substantiation of the application of structural-linguistic analysis of EEG signal for detection of the reactions of the human brain on the weak single sound and visual stimuli. Keywords: electrophysiology, electroencephalography, perception survey. Hatyushina Yu. N., Matushkina E. N., Mochildna O. A., Makarova E. G., Titov A. S. Technique of the analysis of the visual caused potentials in power parameters the korotkolatentnykh and the dlinnotlatentnykh of peaks Registration of the caused potentials (CP) of a brain is an objective noninvasive method of testing of functions of the central nervous system (CNS) as person, and animals. This method obtained the convincing data opening essence of a number of the major mechanisms of a brain. Keywords: the caused potentials, components, the visual caused potentials, power characteristics. Borachuk O. V., Shelepin Yu. E., Harauzov A. K., Vasiliev P. P., Pronin S. V., FokinV. A., Sokolov A. V. Investigation of the mechanism of decision making in technological environment by the fMRI methods The study aimed to identify the decision-making mechanisms of the human brain for operators in complex technological environments. Design of experiments includes modeling of the real situations, digital image processing to develop and produce test images. To study the main patterns of brain activity we used the method of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). An assessment of the dynamics of blood flow in the context of an active task was compared to one in passive condition. We establish the opponent principle for interaction of the brain areas responsible for decision-making. Results of the study are considered from the standpoint of the theory of temporal binding of the individual images into a Gestalt. Our work demonstrates possibility of objective measurements by fMRI the functional state of human (operators) brain in technological environment. Keywords: decision-making, the visual system, the opponent interaction principle, the frontal cortex, default mode network, fMRI. Tsvetkov O. V., Polivanayte L. V., Kutsenko S. A., Repina M. V. Simple highly informative image quality metrics in biomedical systems Existing perceptive image quality metrics are considered in this work. Local entropy approach to form objective metrics of compressed image quality assessment is subjected to experimental evaluation. There is comparison of new metrics of digital image quality assessment with currently the most widespread metrics - the peak signal-to-noise ratio. Keywords: image distortion metrics, image quality, quality assessment, entropy, correlation coefficient. Vilkauskas I. V., Logunova E. V. Color image processing method for apriori estimation of directedness and strength of its emotional influence on a person The method of statistical matching of target image with reference color images was developed. The etalon images used are described by the certain emotion-focused perception model. The proposed method of emotion-focused image perception estimation allows to predict the direction of an individual response on presented color image. Keywords: emotionally comfortable perception, color image matching, natural images. Kolesnikov R. A., Nosov V. N., Timofeef M.V., Zaitseva A. V. Methods of assessing the impact of variations of geophysical factors on the characteristics of the activities of the operators PC The study is focused on developing methods for PC operator's general functional state assessment based upon the analysis of computer typewriting behavioral data. Keywords: desktop (PC), behavioral data, computer typewriting, functional state, method, neighboring keys, keyboard, key pressing time. Gronin A. G., Kolesnikov R. A., Kutsenko S. A. Application of computer-based TV broadcasting technologies in telemedicine systems The article focuses on architecture of building host-based system for remote conducting teleconsultations and telediagnostics delivered from base medical centers to regional ones, for at-home caring and for other computer based telemedicine areas is presented. Telemedicine systems functionality and reliability enhancement issue is considered with regard to technologies applied in computer-based broadcasting systems. Keywords: telemedicine, computer based TV broadcasting system, teleconsultation, medical information data and records. Malinin A. V., Skoblilov E. Yu., Ivanchenko I. V., Ostapchuk R. V., Zatsepin V. M., Ivanchenko V. A. The adaptive dataware system for medical-toxicological investigations The main results of informational and technology software tools development are presented. These are for medical-toxicological investigation support, informational monitoring, data handling for radiation, chemical and biological agents and informational-statistical classification and diagnostic of chemical and biological factors hazardous exposure. Keywords: information system, chemical and biological agents, radiation, toxicology, diagnostics, decision support system. Tsvetkov О. V., Osipov A. N., Kezling A. G., Knyazev A. V., Fedorov S. N. Automated identification of biotechnical systems development research areas The present study introduces semantic analyses methods for controlled detail level large amounts of multilingual science-technical information clustering. Each cluster represents semantic topic (research area). The scientometric indicator rating of identified biotechnical systems development research areas is defined as distribution of scientific articles count by time periods. Particularly, the exponential growth of scientific articles count indicates the most significant research area. The experimental testing of proposed methods was based on information, retrieved from IEEE abstract database. Keywords: biotechnical systems, scientometrics, semantic analysis, significant research area.
Discussion Club
Lomov О. P., Kudryavtsev V. M. Methodological bases for the creation of information-analitical system for integrated assessment of public health and the risk of deterioration Developed a methodical approach to comprehensive assessment of public health, intended to solve the problems of automation of information-analytical work of specialists, experts, analysts and managers of state authorities of the Russian Federation involved in the analysis of national security issues at the macro level (the subject of the federation and the federal district, the country overall). It has been shown that when calculating the summarized population's health index and the significance (weight) of partial signs, it is expedient to use the calculation from the potential death risk index rather than an expert judgment. The results of calculation examples using morbidity rates suggest that public health can be assessed on this methodic ground. It is advisable to apply the proposed method for assessing the population's health during sanitary-and-epidemiological surveillance (socio-hygienic monitoring) when decisions are taken on the lines of heath-promotion measures to reduce morbidity mainly by circulatory diseases neoplasms, injures and intoxications. Keywords: public health, morbidity, mortality, methodology. |
Не плачь обо мне… | Иванова И.А."Системный анализ в фундаментальных и прикладных исследованиях" В. В. Кузнецов, С. В. Бабуров, А. А. Мальчевский, А. В. Самойлов, А. Ю. Шатраков / под ред. В. В. Кузнецова