Biotekhnosfera № 1/2015 |
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550 Руб.
Ergonomic enginEering Burkov E. A., Volosyuk A. A., Guseynov V. D., Paderno P. I., Sopina O. P. Organization of ergonomic design of new information systems A number of the important system problems arising at the organization of ergonomic design of new information systems is considered. The scheme of the solution of the main objectives of ergonomic design is provided. The main features caused by need of the accounting of a human factor at creation of new information systems are specified. Possibilities of implementation of the requirement of the main standards in the field of ergonomics are analysed. The main indicators characterizing efficiency of use (functioning) of information systems are considered. A number of approaches to the organization of effective ergonomic design in various organizations is offered. Keywords: algorithm of activity, interaction, information systems, developers, standards, ergonomist, ergonomic examination, ergonomic requirements, ergonomic design. Naychenko M. V. Ergonomic support for the creation of human-machine systems Considered the issues of the ergonomic support of the creation of man-machine systems (CMS). The necessity for ergonomic support for the creation of CMS. The above measures, under which should be ergonomic support. Disclosed stages ergonomic support and tasks to be performed on each of them, when creating models of equipment. Attention is paid to the problem of structure and organizational structure ergonomic departments in industrial enterprises. The problem of equipping the experimental base of ergonomic research. The questions of development of scientific-methodical recommendations on standard equipment ergonomic laboratories at the industrial enterprises. Uncovers training in ergonomics. Keywords: ergonomic software, human-machine system, stages ergonomic support, ergonomic expertise, structure and organization of works on ergonomic support, training in the field of ergonomics. Ryabetc A. Ya., Grishechko A. I., Erofeenkov S. S., Antonov O. F., Kryazhin V. N. Modeling uncomfortable states of the operator working position In the article the principles of mathematical models constructing that allow to obtain evaluations of private ergonomic parameters during the ergonomic workplace expertise are considered. For this purpose, description of available uncomfortable working position conditions is conducted by using spline functions operators, transition to a modified desirability function is realized, which allows to predict a smooth change of comfortable operators working position when values of the evaluated workplace parameters are varying. Keywords: ergonomic parameters, workplace, operator, ergonomic expertise, discomfort. Oboznov A. A., Akimova A. Yu. Trust the human to the technique Increase of opportunities of technique in realization of the intellectual functions, which were earlier carried out by people, leads to perception of technique as "smart" and similar to the human. As a result of it there is a transfer of human relations, first of all trust, on the relation of the human to technique. In this article the concept of trust the human to the technique locates; conditions and factors of manifestation of trust in interaction of the human and technique are considered; nonlinear dependence between expressiveness of trust of specialists to equipment and reliability of their professional work is shown. Keywords: trust the human to the technique, types of trust to the technique, psychological attitude, reliability of work, missteps, psychosomatic diseases.
Improvement of Interfaces
Ivkin A. S., Anokhin A. N., Chepurko V. A. Approach to empirical evaluation of human-machine interface intended for process control: by example of the ecological interface for control of water level in drum-separator at the RBMK-type NPP The problem of empirical evaluation of HMI intended for technological process control is considered. This evaluation provides us with possibility to gather realistic estimates of task performance quality indexes. The proposed technique for such evaluation is based on calculation of six quality indexes and on comparative analysis to be performed using ANOVA procedure. The results from experimental program intended to evaluate ecological interface for monitoring and control of water level in drum-separators at the RBMK-type NPP are described. The experimental series carried out at the Leningrad NPP full-scope simulator demonstrates prominent advantage of ecological interface as against conventional one. However, it was revealed that the degree of this advantage depends of control task peculiarities. Keywords: human-machine interface, operator, empirical evaluation, nuclear power plant, full-scope simulator, ecological interface, quality index, analysis of variance. Nazarenko N. A., Osetrov A. V. Features ergonomic evaluation of user interfaces, human-machine systems for special purposes The article is devoted to the specifics of ergonomic evaluation of user interfaces special-purpose systems, and proposes an approach ergonomic expertise of such systems, taking into account these features. Describes the main features of the evaluation of user interfaces special purpose systems, affecting the quality of the examination and the efficient use of human-machine systems. Keywords: user interface, ergonomic evaluation, special-purpose system, the approach to the ergonomic evaluation, man-machine systems. Chuntul A. V., Ryabinin V. A., Davidov V. V., Lapa V. V., Plentsov A. P. Experimental evaluation the experimental principle indicating the spatial orientation of the aircraft The article contains the materials of flight experiments on psychophysiological quality rating of piloting and the effectiveness of in-flight spatial orientation on the helicopter flights with artificial gyro horizon which have direct or reverse indication of the bank. Moreover, the article describes the history of research of in-flight spatial orientation of pilots on airplanes. It is defined experimentally that there is an advantage while using artificial gyro horizon on helicopters with the indication of the ground-helicopter' bank. It was proved by the parameters of efficiency, reliability and safety level of pilot's actions in spatial disorientations. Keywords: artificial gyro horizons PKP-77, IKP-81, helicopter-ground view’, ground-helicopter view’, visible image, the indication of in-flight spatial location, visual image, reverse kind of indication, direct kind of indication, artificial analog of gyro horizon, in-flight spatial orientation, instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), axis system. Pechnikov A. N., Shikov A. N., Cotova E. E. Ergonomic approach to the solution of problems of e-didactics The article reveals the essence of the problem e-didactics as a variant of the traditional teaching focused on the implementation of the means of information and communication technologies, and the expediency of ergonomic approach to solving this problem. Keywords: computer didactics; e-didactics; ergonomics. Ergonomic Improvements in the Training and Certification of Economists Sergeev S. F. Using the advanced information technology in simulators designing In current article we discuss the advantages of networking and advanced Internet technologies usage in training systems and simulators creation problem based on the methodological principles of non-classical and post-nonclassical psychology and pedagogy. Keywords: learning environments, cloud technology, orienting education, Internet of things. |
Кияткина И. Г. English: the Basics of Grammar / Английский язык: основы грамматикиТеплоэнергоэффективные технологии №1/2008