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Для студентов строительных вузов, проектировщиков и специалистов коммунального хозяйства

В издательстве "Политехника" вышла новая книга - "Внутренний водопровод и канализация зданий" авторов В. И. Кириленко, И. М. Руднева и А. А. Шипилова под редакцией проф. Л. Н. Фесенко. Учебное издание рекомендовано студентам, обучающимся по направлению подготовки 270100 "Строительство" и издано при поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ.

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27 января 2024 г. исполняется 80 лет полного освобождения Ленинграда от фашистской блокады.

По заявкам читателей издательство "Политехника" выпускает новый тираж сборника И.А.Ивановой "За блокадным кольцом".

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XXI Промышленный форум в Ижевске

19 сентября на Центральной площади Ижевска откроется XXI Промышленный форум

В рамках Дня оружейника в Ижевске пройдет XXI Промышленный форум. На выставках «Машиностроение. Металлургия. Металлообработка», «Нефть. Газ. Химия», «Энергетика. Энергосбережение» и специальной экспозиции «Комплексная безопасность» свою продукцию представят 50 предприятий России, а также Китая.

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Лонг-лист АСКИ-2022

В результате работы экспертного совета общероссийского конкурса Ассоциации книгоиздателей «Лучшие книги года-2022» по номинации "Лучшее учебное издание для высшей школы" в лонг-лист изданий вошла книга «Основы теории структурной оптимизации систем контроля и управления беспилотными летательными аппаратами» АО "Издательство "Политехника", г.Санкт-Петербург.

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Вниманию историков - студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых!

Извещение о проведении в 2023 году конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Комитет по науке и высшей школе в соответствии с постановлением Правительства Санкт-Петербурга от 01.08.2022 № 695 «О премиях Правительства Санкт-Петербурга победителям конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда» проводит в 2023 году конкурс на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Подробнее о конкурсе

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ХVIII Петербургский книжный салон

Главный книжный праздник нашего города - в третий раз пройдет на Дворцовой площади и в здании Главного штаба Государственного Эрмитажа.

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Мы в контакте

Биотехносфера №5/2015Металлообработка № 5 (137)/2023

Metalloobrabotka № 5-6 (77-78)/2013

Metalloobrabotka № 5-6 (77-78)/2013

Цена: 0 Руб.

Processing Of Materials By Cutting

Vasilkov D. V., Kochina Т. B. Dynamic features of formation of conditions of contact interaction in a cutting zone on the basis of piecewise and linear approximation

Features of creation of dynamic model of technological system of machining in space of variables of a condition and contact interaction in a cutting zone on the basis of piecewise and linear approximation are considered.

Keywords: modeling, dynamics, cutting, friction, piece-wise and linear approximation.


Maslenikov I. A. Dependence of the chip types from the cutting conditions during the processing of plastic materials with the edge tool

The process of chip formation while processing metals. The purpose of researches is to identify the causes and determination of the regularities of formation of various kinds of chips (continuous, segmented nonhomogeneous, discontinuous) during cutting of plastic metals with the edge tool depending on the conditions of processing.

The method of calculation, enabling one to predict the chip type and estimate its parameters. Estimates of the impact on the type of chip properties of the material of work piece and the material of cutting tool, tool wear and growth of built-up edge. Studies were carried out using methods of similarity for cutting of materials.

Keywords: cutting of plasttic metals, process of chip formation, chip types.


Maksarov V. V., Keksin A. I. Ways of improving the quality of thread cutting

Zones of severe wear exist in blind holes in the process of thread cutting. In some cases there are damages that lead to early breakdown of the thread tap and worsening the quality of thread surfaces. To solve this problem we suggest the thread tap finished by the method of MAP according to the special technology.

In the result the roughness of thread surfaces decreases, the cutting tool life increases, big economy of high-cutting steel is provided, labour intensity decreases, the quality of the thread surfaces increases.

Keywords: surface roughness, magnetic abrasive polishing, polishing conditions selection, thread quality.


Nikitin A. V. Drilling of apertures of a small diameter in thin-walled products from difficultly processable materials in conditions of the limited access

Technological features of performance of openings in hard-to-reach spots are considered at installation and assembly of a large-size metalwork with use of boring-and-milling machines on the magnetic basis.

Keywords: processing by cutting, formation of a shav­ing, types of shavings.


Pereladov А. В., Kamkin I. P., Anokhin A. V., Kozhevnikov I. V. Definition of integral indices of the kinematic interaction between the grinding wheel and workpiece

In the paper some results of theoretical and experimental studies aimed at solution of the existing problem - definition of discrete and, on their basis, integral parameters of interaction of active grains tool with the work-piece during grinding was generalized. Also, describes the methodology and results of computer 3D modeling zone (surface) of a contact with the workpiece and tool and of the process of micro cutting the tops of active grains. Modeling was performed in the software complex T-Flex CAD using the developed statistical and probabilistic model of the working surface of the tool. The formulas and experimental graphics, allowing to determine the surface area of contact, the average density located on the working surface of the instrument active grains, the number of grains of simultaneous are in contact with the workpiece, discrete and integral values of the chips cross-sections surface.

Keywords: grinding process, contact zone, 3D modeling, integrated indicators, micro cutting, active grain.



Electrophysical And Electrochemical Processing Methods

Boytsov A. G., Kachko V. V., Kuritsyn D. N. Highspeed friction stir welding by aviation materials and assemblage

In work technological schemes of process of reception of welded connections by High-Speed Friction Stir Welding with reference to materials and designs of aerospace techniques are offered. In article results of researches on experimental researches of technological modes and conditions of mixing welding by a friction, results of research of influence of the basic technological parameters on quality of received connections are resulted, designs of the special tool and equipment are offered. Designs of the special tool and equipment are offered.

The result of the work was to determine the optimal modes and conditions of operation of friction welding with agitation, disclosure of physical mechanisms of the formation of welded connection without melting of the material.

Keywords: Efriction atir welding, processing equipment, the tool, aero-space techniques, quality of welded connection.


Popova A. I., Popov A. I., Medko V. S., Tyukhtyaev M. I. Ensuring life-cycle stages of steam turbine blades using ultrasonic testing

Life cycle analysis of steam turbine blades. Considered the use of ultrasonic testing throughout the life cycle of the blades, the analysis of defects in turbine developing from initial defects of the machining by milling. It is shown, that application of ultrasound monitoring throughout the life cycle of turbine blades to reduce the number of defects. The scheme of control of steam turbine blades with a t-tail with the use of a hard layer of immersion. The dependences of the amplitude of the signal from defect on standard and specially made samples using application of immersion rigid Prism. The proposed approach will reduce the likelihood of defects during the life cycle of blades.

Keywords: life cycle, turbine blade, ultrasonic inspection, defects of corrosion and heat-resistant steels.


Bychenok V. A., Berkutov I. V., Shcherba I. E. Special equipment for increase of accuracy of measurement of speed of distribution of ultrasound

One of the most perspective and universal methods of nondestructive control of responsible products is the laser and ultrasonic control based on thermooptical initiation of ultrasonic fluctuations. As the control device providing measurement of speed of distribution of ultrasonic waves, the laser and ultrasonic defectoscope УДЛ-2M with the optico-acoustic PLU-6N-02 converter is used. Not coaxiality of surfaces of the sensor and controlled surface, level of effort of a clip of the sensor make an essential contribution to a casual component of an error of measurements. For the purpose of increase of accuracy of measurements the special equipment was developed for the optico-acoustic PLU-6N-02 converter which allowed to lower a casual component of an error of measurement of speed of distribution of an ultrasonic wave by 20%.

Keywords: nondestructive control, laser and ultrasonic control, residual tension.



Metal Forming

Galkin V. I., Yakushev V. A., Afonin V. E. Receiving multilayered composites from steel with submikro- and na-nodimensional thickness of the layer.

This work is carried out for the purpose of studying of possibility of receiving multilayered steel composites by means of rolling and influence of various factors on mechanical properties and structure of the rolled multilayered material.

Keywords: multilayered steel, rolling, concentration of carbon, mechanical properties.


Fomichev A. F., Panin S. Yu. Computer research of methods of increase quality of forgings

Data of influence of thickness of laying on unevenness of deformation of forging are produced at a deposit. Regulaties of change of a type of a tension of forgings are received at a deposit.

Keywords: settlement complex Simufact Forging, forge deposit, steel laying, external rings.


New Materials And Production

Kugultinov S. D., Khisamutdinov R. M. Development a system of creation and tool operation for large engineering enterprises on example of JSC "Kamaz"

On the basis of JSC "Kamaz", the article describes a new concept of the automated system of creation and operation tool to its identification at all stages of the life with the possibility of adaptation to any machine-building enterprise. A general structure of the classifier is developed for all kinds of products of tool manufacture. The system allows the assignment of a unique code to each tool. This allows to create the preconditions for the development of subsystems of its acquisition, design, production and operation.

Keywords: concept, system, classifier, tool.


Krasnyy V. A., Maksarov V. V., Viushin R. V. The influence of thin nanocoating on fretting corrosion of large-sized machine parts high-loaded conjugation

The fretting corrosion mechanisms of high-loaded con­jugations using nanocoating based on fluorocarbon com­position and frictional brassing were researched. Steel 15 and cast iron СЧ25 with coating tests were taken using standardized procedure; the friction surfaces researching were made with scanning electron microscope. The research of samples with thin nanocoatings showed that fretting-wear decrease is caused by fine-dispersed particles in contact zone, which allows to make surface layer deformation based on the structural elements reciprocal turn and sliding mechanism with shear friction without wear.

Keywords: wear resistance, fretting corrosion, nanocoating, fluorocarbon composition, frictional brassing, dispersed structure, friction without wear.


Alexeeva L. В., Maksarov V. V., Uvarov V. P. Using vibration technology to stretch products

The paper deals with a process of rod stretching of materials heated in one or another way. The paper presents an assessment of uncontrolled vibration impact on the process under consideration. It has enabled authors to give advice on choosing the most favorable conditions for controlled vibration impact on the process. The authors have proposed circuit designs for stretching devices; such designs determine directions for vibration technology to develop using piezoelectric elements.

Keywords: optical rod stretching, glass melt, vibration impact, piezoelectric effect, disturbance stimulation control, stretching control, mechanical obstruction, formation zone, stretching device.


Yablochnikov E. I., Gribovsky A. A., Pirogov A. V. Efficiency of additive technologies for manufacturing injection molds and preparation of manufacture of thermoplastic polymeric materials

Describes the experience the application of additive technologies in the development of complex forming molding tooling. Lists the basic additive technologies. Noting the importance and efficiency of simultaneous use of computer modeling and additive technologies. The opportunity of application additive technologies for visualization calculations obtained in CAE-systems, as well as the manufacture of molds elements of plastics or metal powders.

Keywords: additive technologies, CAD / CAM / CAE-systems, injection molding of thermoplastic polymeric materials, injection molds, silicone casting forms, formatives parts, conformal cooling system molds.


Batinov I. V., Petrova E. S. Improving the quality of the products and reduction intensive industries low-tech assembly on the basis of compounds of holes burnishing

In the present article compares the treatment options pinholes in the sub-assembly, which allow to achieve high processing accuracy requirements, the least labor intensive. Studies were carried out in exactly the training lab on a sample of 20 pieces of blanks. It was found that the best performance has the option of including the drilling of a hole, and combined with the pressing mandrelling pin. Further tests were carried out on the hysteresis of the assembly, whereby it was observed between the experimental data of the hysteresis requirements to the building site.

Keywords: burnishing, machining pinholes, machining of low-tech subassemblies.