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Для студентов строительных вузов, проектировщиков и специалистов коммунального хозяйства

В издательстве "Политехника" вышла новая книга - "Внутренний водопровод и канализация зданий" авторов В. И. Кириленко, И. М. Руднева и А. А. Шипилова под редакцией проф. Л. Н. Фесенко. Учебное издание рекомендовано студентам, обучающимся по направлению подготовки 270100 "Строительство" и издано при поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ.

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27 января 2024 г. исполняется 80 лет полного освобождения Ленинграда от фашистской блокады.

По заявкам читателей издательство "Политехника" выпускает новый тираж сборника И.А.Ивановой "За блокадным кольцом".

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XXI Промышленный форум в Ижевске

19 сентября на Центральной площади Ижевска откроется XXI Промышленный форум

В рамках Дня оружейника в Ижевске пройдет XXI Промышленный форум. На выставках «Машиностроение. Металлургия. Металлообработка», «Нефть. Газ. Химия», «Энергетика. Энергосбережение» и специальной экспозиции «Комплексная безопасность» свою продукцию представят 50 предприятий России, а также Китая.

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Лонг-лист АСКИ-2022

В результате работы экспертного совета общероссийского конкурса Ассоциации книгоиздателей «Лучшие книги года-2022» по номинации "Лучшее учебное издание для высшей школы" в лонг-лист изданий вошла книга «Основы теории структурной оптимизации систем контроля и управления беспилотными летательными аппаратами» АО "Издательство "Политехника", г.Санкт-Петербург.

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Вниманию историков - студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых!

Извещение о проведении в 2023 году конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Комитет по науке и высшей школе в соответствии с постановлением Правительства Санкт-Петербурга от 01.08.2022 № 695 «О премиях Правительства Санкт-Петербурга победителям конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда» проводит в 2023 году конкурс на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Подробнее о конкурсе

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ХVIII Петербургский книжный салон

Главный книжный праздник нашего города - в третий раз пройдет на Дворцовой площади и в здании Главного штаба Государственного Эрмитажа.

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Мы в контакте

Metalloobrabotka № 2 (104)/2018Металлообработка № 2 (86)/2015

Biotekhnosfera № 2/2017

Biotekhnosfera № 2/2017

Цена: 700 Руб.

Biotekhnosfera № 2/2017

Instrument Making, Metrology and Information Measuring Devices and Systems

Sergunova K. A., Petraikin A. V., Potrakhov N. N., Akhmad E. S., Semenov D. S., Morozov S. P., Kim S. U., Gromov A. I. Disk phantom and quality assurance procedure in magnetic resonance angiography

The article is devoted to evaluation of quantitative data of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). For these purposes a rotating disk phantom which allows to simulate the movement of biological fluids (blood and lymph) without the use of pumps and long tube systems was developed. It was scanned in different modes: 3D TOF, 2D TOF, 2D PC. Proposed quality assurance program allows to provide the accuracy of estimated parameters and standardize the data obtained on different scanners. Developed test QA phantoms for MRA and automated analysis software tool have confirmed their efficiency, convenience and simplicity in use.

Keywords: MR angiography, quality assurance, phantom, disk phantom, flow modeling, quality assurance MR angiography, calibration curve for linear velocity, in-flow effect, phase contrast MR angiography, spatial resolution, time-of-flight MR angiography.

Frolov S. V., Potlov A. Yu., Proskurin S. G. One specific velocity color mapping of sign-alternating biological fluid flows using doppler optical coherence tomography

Method of color mapping of one specific velocity (OSV) in biological fluid flows using principles of Doppler optical coherence tomography (OCT) is described. Structural and OSV images are obtained from Doppler spectrum of back scattering using analog and digital band-pass filtering. The raw data are divided into the three parts, corresponding to the unmoving object, the positively and negatively directed flows. Further independent signal processing gives a structure image and two images of the chosen velocity, which are then normalised, encoded and joined. In application to the biological objects (for example, retinal blood-vessels) this method makes it possible to obtain the anatomical maps of chosen velocities in normal and pathological states in real time.

Keywords: sign-alternating biological fluid flows, one specific velocity mapping, Doppler optical coherence tomography, carrier frequency, tilted capillary entry.

Agapov S. N., Bulanov V. А., Zaharov А. V., Sergeeva М. S. Wavelet algorithm for the identification of p300 erp component

We classify with continuous wavelets coefficients a component P300 component of ERP wave. Several wavelets most similar with the shape of the ERP wave was used. The EEG signals recorded with Emotiv Insight device. We show that classification accuracy have significant variance between participants, and weak dependence on chosen wavelet’s family.

Keywords: EEG, ERP, P300, wavelets.

Manilo L. A., Miganko A. V. Study of Parameters and Properties of Approximate Entropy of EEG at Various Anesthesia Stages

The approach to recognition of anesthesia stages by electroencephalogram (EEG) based on the parameters of the approximate entropy (Kolmogorov entropy estimation) is considered. The performance properties were studied on model signals and the experiments were conducted that allowed selecting a set of parameters of approximate entropy for EEG analysis. It was shown that this method provides reliable recognition of two states: deep anaesthesia and wake condition after awakening.

Keywords: depth of anesthesia, electroencephalogram (EEG), electroencephalography monitoring, approximated entropy.

Bondareva L.A., Purgina I.V., Sukhanova M.V. Functional diagnostics of plants using the reflected radiation power from the leaves

There are results of experimental research designed to identify the relationship between the functional condition of plants and the reflection coefficient of the radiation incident power on the leaves of the near-infrared range. It is proposed as a quantitative evaluation criteria of the critical state of plant origin objects to use a level corresponding to 60 % of the reflection coefficient, and to carry out irrigation of plants when reflectance reaches the values of 65 %.

Keywords: functional state, plants, reflected radiation power, plant leaves, watering, moisture content, experimental study.

Kotelnikov G. P., Kolsanov A. V., Nikolaenko A. N., Popov N. V., Ivanov V. V., Shherbovskin A. E., Prihod’ko S. A., Platonov P. V. Production of personalized implants segments of the brush with selective laser melting (experimental study)

To fully restore the functionality of the brush after surgery or trauma, it is necessary to repeat the anatomy of lost brush segments as accurately as possible, which is possible with the use of 3D-modeling and additive technologies. The conducted research led to the conclusion that the advanced technology of selective laser alloying (SLM) provides a high complex of mechanical properties, and also has prospects for the further production of personalized implants from titanium alloys.

Keywords: personified endoprosthesis of the hand, selective laser melting, titanium powder.

Nguyen T. T. Method and algorithm for exposing episodes of atrial fibrillation in real time

The method and algorithm for exposing episodes of atrial fibrillation, the analysis method and processing of electrocardiographic signals, implementation of the developed algorithms into multi-level system for monitoring health status of the patient are discussed in the article. The utilized technical solutions are aimed at increasing the reliability and effectiveness of atrial fibrillation detection in life-activity conditions.

Keywords: atrial fibrillation, heart rate variability, f-waves, method, algorithm, wearable system, monitoring, prognostication reliability, operating system.

Vasiliev D. V. Refinement of the contour of the light field of the sector complex on the basis of the method of successive images

The article considers a new method for calculating the parameters of the contour of the light field element of the sector navigation complex. It is based on the development and application, based on a comparison with existing engineering software systems, of ray tracing through optical systems and the currently used method for determining the range of visibility of light navigation signals based on the Allar equation, which is formally adopted in the main guidance documents on navigation equipment for air and water Transport. The mathematical apparatus of the proposed method is presented and the results of calculations confirmed by a number of full-scale experiments that show a refinement of the light field contour, which amounts to 30 % of the range of visibility of the fire. The importance of this refinement, directly affecting the main navigation parameters of the sector complex, was confirmed.

Keywords: light field, sequence of images, meteorological view, probability of detection, atmospheric turbulence, optical transfer function, modulation transfer function, phase transfer function, optical system.

Clinical Medicine

Obukhova N. A., Motyko A. A., Pozdeev A. A. Multispectral clinical decision support system for diagnosis of oncological changes in the cervix

The article is devoted to the developed prototype of clinical decision support system for the diagnosis of oncological changes in the cervix at the stage of colposcopic examination. The basis of proposed system is the automatic method of colposcopic images, obtained in white light and fluorescence light with exciting wavelength 360 and 390 nm, analyzing. The method realizes differential diagnostics of the following changes in cervical tissues as Norm, CNI (chronic nonspecific inflammation), CINI, CINII, CINIII (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia — various types of oncological changes). A feature of the method is the use of features set calculated from images of different types and decision rules in the classification task based on data mining methods. For the boundary CIN—CNI sensitivity 87 % and specificity 75 % are achieved.

Keywords: multispectral images processing, image color analysis, texture analysis, classification, medical images processing, clinical decision support system.

Strelnikov A. G., Sergeevichev D. S., Pokushalov E. A. The usage of botulinum toxin in various models of heart rhythm disturbances

Last published articles show that botulinum toxin can prevent cardiac arrhythmias, however, a comprehensive study of its antiarrhythmic properties was not carried out. The study object was a botulinum toxin type A. An experimental study was conducted with rabbits (18 groups with 10 animals in each group) and rats (54 groups with 10 animals in each group). During the study intravenous and epicardial administration of botulinum toxin was tested. Epicardial administration of botulinum toxin has the signs and properties of antiarrhythmic drugs of II, III, IV classes. These properties can be applicable in the development of new methods for treating heart rhythm disturbances.

Keywords: botulinum toxin, heart rhythm disorders, models of heart rhythm disorders.