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Metalloobrabotka № 4 (94)/2016 |
Maslennikov I. A. Determination of residual stresses on the treated surface after turning plastic materi als blade tool The results of the research of the stress state in the cut- ting zone of ductile materials. Determination of the stress distribution in the workpiece, deformation of the material, temperature, residual stresses. The research was carried out using the theory of elasticity and theory of plasticity. Keywords: cutting process, stresses in the material, residual stresses. Zvontsov I. F., Ivanov К. М., Serebrenitsky P. P., Ponomarev D. A., Govorun I. V. Technological methods of quality management in the production of parts with deep holes A physical model of the progressive formation of deep precision holes in a wide range of sizes and pro- duct range in the form of pipes, cylinders, pistons, shafts and rotating bodies. The possibility of maintaining optimal (given) processing conditions throughout the cycle, despite the considerable length of the treatment length in the time domain, i.e., implementation processes of the sufficient reliability of both the quality of manufacturing and labor productivity without the introduction of active control systems. The processes are based on the conversion technologies of special machinery, ensuring a quick and cost-effective technological preparation of the existing production. Keywords: quality management, deep holes, and continuous core drilling, preliminary and finish boring, electrochemical diamond honing. Vorobiyova G. A., Skladnova E. E. Research of influence aerothermoacoustic treatment on mechanical characteristics of wrought aluminium alloys The article discussues the possibility of applying aerothermoacoustic (АТАО) treatment fort the mechanical characteristics aluminium alloy. The fundamentals of the technology ATAO, fields of its application. Analyzed the possible options for changing the sequence of application of the AТAO and heat treatment in the scheme of the technological process, providing maximale hardening of the alloy D1 The changes in technology, hroviding maximum hardening of the alloy D1 after thermal treatment and aerothermoacoustic treatment (σв; σ0,2 increase by 15 % and 30 % respectively), while the level of relatif elongation equal to 13–14 %, which increases the specific strength of the alloy. This ensures a sufficient level of technological plasticity of deformable aluminum alloys. Keywords: aluminium alloy, mechanical characteristics, thermal treatment, aerothermoacoustic treatment Naumov A. G., Latyshev V. N., Radnyuk V. S., Naumo- va O. A. Development of the theory of radical chain me chanism of action of cutting fluids in metal cutting This article states the results of the researches for theory of cutting fluid action during metal blade cut- ting process. The article shows that the cutting fluid mechanism involves not only the chain-radical reactions and formation of separating lubricating films at the contact zone. The cutting fluid component diffusion into the tri- bocontacting surfaces of the cutting tool and material to be cut is an important factor in terms of quality of the cut surfaces and cutting-tool life. Keywords: material cutting, cutting fluid, cutting fluid mechanism, surface phenomena, diffusion. Yulmetova O. S., Sherbak A. G., Belash A. A., Lan- dau B. E., Filippov A. Y. Comparative evaluation of the electrical and electrochemical ways to create a pattern on the electrostatic gyro rotors The comparative assessment of the three ways to create a pattern: electrochemical, photolithography and laser marking. We describe the advantages and disadvantages of their use in the formation of a bitmap for electrostatic gyro rotor. The principles of drawing comparisons based on the use of characteristics that underpin the efficiency of the optoelectronic assembly removably gyro information: curves nonlinearity, spatial maps reflection surface of the rotor, the equatorial cut pattern.
Keywords: rotor, an optical pattern, laser marking, electrochemistry, photolithography, optical system information retrieval, gyroscope. Esipova N. E., Losnetzova N. N., Malkin A. I., Pavel- ko G. F., Sobolev V. D., Toporov Yu. P. The effect of drop- let size of a dispersed phase on the tribological properties of oleic acid water emulsions The tribological properties of oleic acid water emulsions were studied. It was found that the wear-preventive properties of the emulsion depended on the droplet size of dispersed phase. Keywords: emulsions, lubricoolants, wear. Karatushin S. I., Spiridonov D. V., Pleshanova Yu. A. Comparative analysis of calculation methods for the de- termination of residual stresses In the present study we analyze the two basic methods for the determination of residual stresses (RS) — analytical and computer simulation technology. These two interrelated areas provide a complete picture of the stress-strain state (SSS). Purely analytical methods are currently losing value due to the complexity and replaced by computer-based programs such as ANSYS, PATRAN / NASTRAN. The analysis is performed by calculating RS cemented cylinder. Input data are the mechanical properties and the dependence of carbon concentration distribution in the thickness cemented layer. The basis of the analytical calculation on equations of elasticity theory and the method is implemented using Mathcad. The computer method based on ANSYS software system used a sample of the witness, the results of which grouting modeled in the virtual sample. A sample of the witness is made of the same material as the part, and with it cemented. Virtual deformation of the sample is transferred to the workpiece. Application witness sample really only in the computer version. Comparison of methods for properly, a computer method is based on a relatively simple experiment brings together conditions of formation of OH in the sample-and witness the real details. Keywords: residual stresses, grouting, specimen-wit- ness, analytical calculation, ANSYS. Trufanov D. A., Kotov S. A., Shalashov E. V., Cha- sov V. V. Receiving metallic powders by centrifugal atomi- zation using a rotating cup There are atomized powders of tin-lead solder (Sn–61 %, Pb–39 %) and tin bronze (Sn–20 %, Cu–80 %) obtained by laboratory installation of centrifugal atomization with the rotating cup and liquid cooling medium in this work. It is shown that the process of spherodising melt drops when sprayed in air mainly affects the nature of the metal (alloy) such as surface tension and viscosity at the melting temperature. The next parameters were investigated: a shape, the size of particles, compactibility and molding capacity of the received powders. The design of hybrid atomization installation to produce ultrafine metal powders with a spherical particle shape for 3D-printing is offered. Keywords: centrifugal atomization, metallic powders, size and shape of particles, tin-lead solder, bronze, rotating cup. Kulikov M. Yu., Inozemtsev V. E., Bocharov A. A., Myo Naing O. Electro chemical mechanical shaping as a high potential in the field of metal processing technology It is known about using different methods in forming processing of ferrous and nonferrous metals and their alloys. All the nomenclature that used methods of producing parts with a stock removal is certainly a set of significant volume. The methods of forming are different via accuracy achieved machining process, energy costs, time, cost of equipment, which ultimately determine the appropriateness of the choice of a particular method of machining. Currently is known high efficiency of processing combined types. This is the technological approach allows to vary widely, the values of the input parameters of the process of forming and managing the quality criteria. Therefore, improvement techniques of electrochemi- cal machining are interesting and their using will be optimize the cost in process forming. Keywords: turning, milling, thread cutting, finishing, surface roughness, combined treatment, electrochemical machining, quality parameters, modes. Kul'kov A. A., Yevseyev D. G., Korytov A. Y. Evaluating the effectiveness of surface treatment process before painting carriages The preliminary handling for wagon's painting out- side is an actual problem for the railroad transport. The traditional way of preliminary processing is a shot blasting method or sandblasting method in combination with a chemical degreasing. In this operation for a car building and car repair companies spend an average of about half of the total funds of manufacturing for wagon's pain- ting. The problem is that this process requires very a lot of material, particularly for degreasing, when the wagon surface having common area about 250 m2 must have application of a degreasing agent. Often ineffective application leads to high consumption of the most fluid and imperfect process of degreasing wagon's body surface. The article describes a way to evaluate the effective- ness of preliminary handling for wagon's painting process. Keywords: shot blasting, grit, degreasing, surface roughness, surface quality, adhesion. Vasilkov D. V., Tarikov I. Ya., Miller A. S. Problems of expeditious start in production of orders at the enterprise under control of quality management system Problems of expeditious start in production of orders at the enterprise, and also a role and a place of quality management system are considered at the solution of this task. Keywords: production, orders, expeditious start, quality management system. |