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Metalloobrabotka № 3 (99)/2017

Metalloobrabotka № 3 (99)/2017

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Kim V. A., Mokritskii B. J., Samar E. V., Yakubov Ch. F. Control of tribological processes of contact interaction during cutting

The paper shows the possibility of controlling adhesive processes in the cutting of metals and alloys by creating the conditions for this behavior centers of the adhesive activity, which will improve the efficiency of cutting tools by means of formation of those or other mechanisms of

adhesive interaction. It is established that the adhesion activity of these centers can be lowered by adsorption of components Sots and decomposition products, as well as education on working surfaces of cutting wedge islet tumors of the dispersed fragments of processed and tool materials. The formation of islet tumors increases the resistance of the cutting tool.

Keywords: the centers of the adhesive activity, and cutting the processed material, built-up edge.

Naumov A. G., Razumov A. A., Radnyuk V. S., Komelkov V. A. On the possibility of using carbon nanotubes as nanoprsadok to combs when cutting metals

The results of experimental studies on the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as components of COTS on machining operations are presented. It is shown that CNTs having in their composition additionally grafted triboactive substances have better tribological characteristics compared to «pure» CNTs and basic SOTS. Based on the studies carried out, the mechanism of action of CNTs in the contact zone of the tool with the material being processed is proposed.

Keywords: metal cutting, lubricating-cooling technological means, tribology, contact phenomena, nanotechnologies, modified carbon nanotubes.

Shalamov V. G., Topolov D. Ju. The relationship with the parameters of the oscillation amplitude of the power perturbations in milling

The article considers issues on damping of forced oscillations in milling. The authors have developed a generalized mathematical model demonstrating the relationship of the forced oscillation amplitude with the parameters of impulse perturbations. The range of values of the parameters of impulse loading, providing suppression of harmonic components and the minimum amplitude of oscillations is established. They have proposed selection of design and geometry parameters of plain milling cutters ensuring minimum oscillation amplitude.

Keywords: peripheral milling, forced oscillations, oscillation amplitude, perturbation harmonics.

Kuzmichev I. S., Ushomirskaya L. A., Shmelkov A. V., Sysoev I. A. Linear, inner, lengthy cylindrical shape surface finishing using the forced-flow electrolyte-plasma process for metal products

The performed research allowed to determine the specifics of the electrolyte-plasma processing (EPP), optimal conditions and electrolyte components to processing of copper and copper based alloys has been founded. Based on these data, designed and manufactured an automated apparatus that allow to handle materials by extrusion of electrolyte plasma with a special equipment. The forced-flow EPP technology with negative electrode has been designed. The function of special equipment is equidistant alignment of negative electrode, the offset of the processed inner surfaces, required for the initiation of vapor plasma mixture of ionized components of the electrolyte and ensuring its flow through the interelectrode gap.

Keywords: electrolyte, plasma, surface quality, roughness, automated apparatus, forced-flow, equipment, negative electrode, alignment, inner surfaces processing, vapor-gas mixture, ionization.

Agasyants G. A., Pankrates V. G. , Kudryavtseva N. S., Krylov S. V., Zaitseva I. A. Development of high temperature thermomechanical processing technology with deformation of torsion shafts torsion

The results of experimental work on the development of high temperature thermomechanical processing (VTMO) technology with deformation of torsion shafts torsion are presented. The optimal deformation scheme, the heating method and the rational regimes of the VTMO are established.

Keywords: torsion shaft, high-temperature thermomechanical treatment, torsional deformation, induction heating by high-frequency currents, processing modes, properties for static and cyclic torsion.

Brzhozovskiy B. M., Zinina H. P., Martynov V. V., Pleshakova E. S., Yankin I. N. Experimental study of the behavior of the combined structure formed by lowtemperature plasma exposure

The results of the study of the behavior of the generated impact on the surface of the product of lowtemperature plasma of the combined structure, consisting of nanoclusters in amorphous bundle. The objects of study were taken replaceable many-sided plates, operating mode that is closest to the extreme. The behavior has been studied experimentally and based on the pilot operation of the plates. It was found that the behavior of the combined structure is determined by its ability to do the job of selforganization, the result of which is to change the energy picture of the processes of contact interaction products, providing a significant increase in its wear resistance.

Keywords: surface hardening, structure, nanoclusters, amorphous bundle, sublayer, behavior, build-up, cutting force, vibrations, vibrate, defects, self-organization.

Plotnikov A. L., Sergeev A. S., Tikhonova Zh. S., Uvarova T. V. Development of the variant of modernization of the universal vertical-milling machine

The skeleton diagram of equipment of management system of the principal drive of the universal vertically milling machine by the thyristor frequency converter and the additional module of calculation (correction) of the modes of processing on the basis of a domestic programmable logic controller is provided. The basis of operation of the module is made by automated methods

of calculation of speed of milling, calculation of value of a roughness of the processed surface and methods of assessment of a status of the combined hard-alloy tool (edge mills) with use of operational information of a processing zone. The upgraded system is given for the aid to the machine operator for the decision of technological tasks of control in case of a choice of the rational conditions of processing providing execution of the requirements to parameters of technological process put at a design stage.

Keywords: reliability of operation of the assembled tool, quality of processing, speed of milling, thermoEMF, chart of a condition of the assembled tool.

Somonov V. V. The study of the influence of the parameters of the source of ultrasonic mechanical oscillations and its location on the formation of oscillations in the metal in the region of the future welded joint and the change in the microstructure in the seam

The article describes the problem during welding of ferritic stainless steels. A comparative analysis of works of external authors was made. The results of experimental and metallographic analysis of laser welding of ferritic stainless steels with ultrasonic mechanical vibrations in the region of the weld pool were shown. The article includes results of the influence of the position of the clamps and of the source of ultrasonic waves relative to the border seam on the nature of the fluctuations that occur in it. The optimum frequency and amplitude for generation of oscillation in the region of the joint were determined. The results of the influence of material thickness on the emerging variations effects on the stability and the rate of cooling of the weld pool and as a consequence on the microstructure of the weld were obtained.

Keywords: laser welding, ultrasonic waves, ferritic stainless steel, welding pool, microstructure.

Vasilkov D. V., Tarikov I. Ya., Miller A. S. Increase of reliability and efficiency of production technological system at the expense of an intellectual assessment of inquiries with use of mechanisms of artificial neural networks

The conceptual solution of a problem of increase of reliability and efficiency of production technological system at the expense of an intellectual assessment and start in production of inquiries with use of mechanisms of artificial neural networks is considered. It allows to remove considerably discrepancy of level of new technical and technological decisions and qualification

of the personnel, and also to increase resistance of a production system to an individualization of requirements of machine-building production at expeditious decisionmaking on start of orders in production.

Keywords: production, orders, expeditious start, quality management system, technological repartition, group of the equipment, technological operation, semantic analysis, neural network.