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Для студентов строительных вузов, проектировщиков и специалистов коммунального хозяйства

В издательстве "Политехника" вышла новая книга - "Внутренний водопровод и канализация зданий" авторов В. И. Кириленко, И. М. Руднева и А. А. Шипилова под редакцией проф. Л. Н. Фесенко. Учебное издание рекомендовано студентам, обучающимся по направлению подготовки 270100 "Строительство" и издано при поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ.

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27 января 2024 г. исполняется 80 лет полного освобождения Ленинграда от фашистской блокады.

По заявкам читателей издательство "Политехника" выпускает новый тираж сборника И.А.Ивановой "За блокадным кольцом".

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XXI Промышленный форум в Ижевске

19 сентября на Центральной площади Ижевска откроется XXI Промышленный форум

В рамках Дня оружейника в Ижевске пройдет XXI Промышленный форум. На выставках «Машиностроение. Металлургия. Металлообработка», «Нефть. Газ. Химия», «Энергетика. Энергосбережение» и специальной экспозиции «Комплексная безопасность» свою продукцию представят 50 предприятий России, а также Китая.

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Лонг-лист АСКИ-2022

В результате работы экспертного совета общероссийского конкурса Ассоциации книгоиздателей «Лучшие книги года-2022» по номинации "Лучшее учебное издание для высшей школы" в лонг-лист изданий вошла книга «Основы теории структурной оптимизации систем контроля и управления беспилотными летательными аппаратами» АО "Издательство "Политехника", г.Санкт-Петербург.

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Вниманию историков - студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых!

Извещение о проведении в 2023 году конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Комитет по науке и высшей школе в соответствии с постановлением Правительства Санкт-Петербурга от 01.08.2022 № 695 «О премиях Правительства Санкт-Петербурга победителям конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда» проводит в 2023 году конкурс на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Подробнее о конкурсе

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ХVIII Петербургский книжный салон

Главный книжный праздник нашего города - в третий раз пройдет на Дворцовой площади и в здании Главного штаба Государственного Эрмитажа.

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Metalloobrabotka № 5 (101)/2017

Metalloobrabotka № 5 (101)/2017

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Govorun I. V., Zvontsov I. F., Ivanov K. M., Serebrenitsky P. P. Progressive technological processes of parts processing hydrocylinders

    This article is devoted to the consideration of technological schemes for processing parts of hydraulic cylinders and a particularly important element of the pipe. Technological aspects of the main operations briefly show the difficulties and problems associated with the processing of pipes, as well as possible schemes for their most successful solution.

    Keywords: deep hole, thin-walled hydraulic cylinder. finishing-strengthening processing, honing, diamond honing.

Novikov V.V.,  Naumov A.G., Afanasieva O.V., Burchenkov K.S. Modeling the impact of changes in friction conditions on the contact "chip-tool" on temperature when cutting

    Heating of the material of the chip in the zone of contact "chip—tool" leads to a change in the conditions of friction due to increase of material ductility of the chip. We have proposed an approximate analytical expression for calculating the maximum temperature on contact. It allows to take into account the changes of friction conditions due to increase of material ductility of the chip.

Кеуwords:   cutting, temperature, friction, chips, tool, modeling.

Androsov, S. P.,Gavrilin Y. A. Modeling of power characteristics when milling cylindrical cutters

      The problems of modeling of the process of milling cylindrical cutters. The analytical expression of the resulting components of cutting force, torque and power milling by integration of the elementary forces acting on the contact area of the tooth of the cutter on the workpiece, along the length of the cutting edge To assess the change of direction leaving the cutting forces in any point of the cutting edge defined differential characteristics of vector equations describing the teeth of the cutter. The practical implementation of simulation results of the power characteristics of cut lies in the choice of rational modes of milling and optimization of geometrical parameters of cylindrical cutters. The examples of calculation and modeling components of cutting force and torque.

Keywords: milling; cylindrical cutter, cutting force, modeling.

Timofeeva O.S., Pompeev K.P., Duvidzon V.G., Yablochnikov E.I. Concept of technological preparation of injection molding with using new information and production technologies

   This article deals with the modern concept of injection molding technology process preparation, which helps to reduce the time needed for products output to the market by using new information and production technologies and coordinated information interaction of its participants. It is advisable to implement the proposed concept in an integrated information system based on a unified information space with the possibility of remote access. The structure of such system is proposed, and the tasks solved by its functional subsystems are described.

    Keywords: process-layout preparation, integrated information system, PDM-system, casting production, casting mould, form die.

Plotnikov A. L., Sergeev A. S., Tikhonova Zh. S., Uvarova T.V.  Provision of accuracy and quality of turning processing in conditions of probability nature forming of contact pairs» «carbide material tools - steel storage

    The influence of the process of random formation of contact pairs on the accuracy and quality of the machined surface during lathe processing of "non-rigid shaft" parts from carbon, structural and low-alloy steels is considered. The reasons for the deviation of the calculated values ​​are revealed: the radial component of the cutting force Py and the roughness parameter Ra from their actual values. The mechanism of influence of thermophysical properties of the contact pair on their quantitative value is shown. Methods are proposed that ensure a coincidence of the calculated value and the actual value with an error of no more than 15% versus 40-90% according to existing methods.

Keywords: accuracy, processing quality, mathematical model, chip formation schemes, conductance, trial machining, thermo-emf.

Valetov V.A., Gibadullin I.N. Roughness of workpiece surfaces and quality of functional properties of products

     Normalization of the factors influencing the functional properties of products is necessary and useful. Normalization should be accompanied by technological support and monitoring of the normalized values. The accuracy of the normalization and monitoring depends on degree and importance of influence of the normalized factor on functional property of a product or its compound parts and workpiece. In this article it is about normalization of a roughness of workpiece and machine surfaces and the related problems. The paper presents a new method for monitoring the surface roughness, which is used as a graphic criterion for the surface profile. The necessary conditions for comparing two surface profiles are shown. The implemented algorithm for comparing profiles is presented.

Keywords: surface roughness, influencing factors, technological support, monitoring, optimization of roughness, surface profile, comparison profiles.

Neklyudova A.A., Demyanov A.A. Metrological provision of measuring the viscosity of liquids

   Status of the Russian Federation the metrological infrastructure  considered, data on the number of registered lines, confirming the calibration and measurement capabilities of the country was given. The composition of the State primary standard unit of kinematic viscosity of the fluid (GET 17-96) discussed in detail. The problem of metrological provision of measuring the viscosity of liquids is analyzed, as a result, measures to improve the standard of developed. The results of research and development of the reference complex apparatus for reproducing a unit of kinematic viscosity at temperatures ranging minus 40 ° C to 150 ° C have been presented.

Keywords: state primary standard, capillary method, the kinematic viscosity of liquids, measurement accuracy, the measurement result.

Valetov V. A., Liubivyi A. V. Methods of increasing the braking torque of hyrostabilizers holding in the detent mode using the technological method

    The article describes methodology of increasing the braking torque of  hyrostabilizers holding in the detent mode using the technological method, that made it possible to increase the braking torque on the axes of the product DUGS in the detent mode to the required value at the late stages of construction. As a technological method, it is considered to obtain a rational roughness of the functional surface, which is a part of a friction pair. In this case, to describe the roughness is used more informative graphic criteria, which allows to connect the roughness of surface with the functional attribute of the product. The article also describes a series of experiments that allow to determine the rational roughness of the functional surface of the "Bracket", conducted using this methodology.

Keywords: hyrostabilizer, detent, friction clutch, friction, roughness, graphic criteria

Razhikov V.N., Belyaev A.N. The torsional stiffness of K-H-V planetary gears with low difference in tooth numbers

     The paper covers torsional stiffness analysis for K-H-V planetary gears with two satellites and low difference in tooth numbers. The torque is transferred from the satellites to the output shaft with parallel cranks. Since many tooth pairs are engaged, the engagement stiffness has not been accounted for. Subsequently, the gear stiffness has been defined as having three components: the output component stiffness V, the bearings deformation, and the crank and hole deformation W. The relation between the crank diameter and the compliance factor has been studied. Experimental results are presented.

Keywords: K-H-V planetary gear, compliance factor, torsional stiffness.