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Для студентов строительных вузов, проектировщиков и специалистов коммунального хозяйства

В издательстве "Политехника" вышла новая книга - "Внутренний водопровод и канализация зданий" авторов В. И. Кириленко, И. М. Руднева и А. А. Шипилова под редакцией проф. Л. Н. Фесенко. Учебное издание рекомендовано студентам, обучающимся по направлению подготовки 270100 "Строительство" и издано при поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ.

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27 января 2024 г. исполняется 80 лет полного освобождения Ленинграда от фашистской блокады.

По заявкам читателей издательство "Политехника" выпускает новый тираж сборника И.А.Ивановой "За блокадным кольцом".

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XXI Промышленный форум в Ижевске

19 сентября на Центральной площади Ижевска откроется XXI Промышленный форум

В рамках Дня оружейника в Ижевске пройдет XXI Промышленный форум. На выставках «Машиностроение. Металлургия. Металлообработка», «Нефть. Газ. Химия», «Энергетика. Энергосбережение» и специальной экспозиции «Комплексная безопасность» свою продукцию представят 50 предприятий России, а также Китая.

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Лонг-лист АСКИ-2022

В результате работы экспертного совета общероссийского конкурса Ассоциации книгоиздателей «Лучшие книги года-2022» по номинации "Лучшее учебное издание для высшей школы" в лонг-лист изданий вошла книга «Основы теории структурной оптимизации систем контроля и управления беспилотными летательными аппаратами» АО "Издательство "Политехника", г.Санкт-Петербург.

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Вниманию историков - студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых!

Извещение о проведении в 2023 году конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Комитет по науке и высшей школе в соответствии с постановлением Правительства Санкт-Петербурга от 01.08.2022 № 695 «О премиях Правительства Санкт-Петербурга победителям конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда» проводит в 2023 году конкурс на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

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ХVIII Петербургский книжный салон

Главный книжный праздник нашего города - в третий раз пройдет на Дворцовой площади и в здании Главного штаба Государственного Эрмитажа.

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Metalloobrabotka № 6 (108)/2018

Metalloobrabotka № 6 (108)/2018

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Vereshchakа A. A., Bublikov Yu.I., Lytkin D. N. The effect of nanolayer thickness on the performance properties of multilayer composite nanostructured modifying coatings for metal-cutting tools.

   The paper considers multilayer composite nano-structured Ti-TiN-(Ti,Al,Cr,Si)N coatings for metal-cutting tools. The coatings under the study have identical elemental composition and thickness (3.5 μm), but differ in the thicknesses of the nanolayers (of about 40 and about 80 nm). The mechanical characteristics of the coatings were studied, and the tool life tests were carried out for carbide tools with the above coatings for dry turning of steel AISI 321(HB 180) at vc = 100, 150, and 200 m/min (f=0.11 mm/rev; ap=0.5 mm). Uncoated tools and tools with Ti-(Ti,Al)N coatings of traditional type were used as objects of comparison. The studies have found out that coatings with thinner nanolayers demonstrate better performance properties, especially at higher cutting speeds.

Keywords: wear-resistant coatings; nanolayer thickness; wear; fracture; tool life; PVD

Vereshchakа A. A., Bublikov Yu. I., Oganyan G. V., Sadov I. P. Increase in cutting speed and tool life when turning structural steels through use of multilayered composite nano-structured coatings

The paper is focused on turning of structural steels C45. Cutting tools were represented by carbide cutting inserts without coatings, with reference multilayered composite nano-structured coatings Ti-TiN-(TiCrAl)N of different thickness of 3-7 μm. The following studies of the properties of coated tools were carried out: measurement of microhardness and strength of adhesion bonds in the tool-coating system. The cutting tests were carried out at the following cutting modes: f = 0.2 mm/rev; аp = 1.0 mm; vc = 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 m/min.

Keywords: wear-resistant coatings, layer thickness, wear, fracture, tool life, PVD.

Oganyan M. G., Vereshchak A. A., Bublikov Yu. I., Deev K. A. Pupchin V. A. Improving the performance of end milling of titanium alloys by using tools with multilayer composite nanostructured coatings Zr-ZrN- (Zr, Al) N and Zr-ZrN- (Zr, Cr, Al) N.

The paper studied the increase in tool life of metal-cutting tools and the performance of end milling of titanium alloys by using tools with multi-layer composite nanostructured Zr-ZrN-(Zr,Al)N and Zr-ZrN-(Zr,Cr,Al)N coatings deposited using the technology filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition (FCVAD). Microstructural studies were performed using SEM, chemical composition analysis (EDXS), determination of the critical load (using the scratch test), microhardness of the investigated coatings was measured. The cutting tests were carried out at the end milling of the titanium alloy at different cutting speeds. Investigated the nature of wear and destruction of end mills with the investigated coatings in the process of milling. The advantages of using a tool with the coatings under consideration as compared with an uncoated tool, as well as with a commercial Ti-TiN coating and a nanostructured Ti-TiN-(Ti,Al)N coating, have been determined.

Keywords: multilayered nano-structured coatings; wear; diffusion; end milling; titanium alloy

Vereshchak A. A. Bublikov Yu. I. Sotova E. S. Sadov I. P. Investigation of the properties of multilayer composite nanostructured coating Cr-CrN- (Cr0.35, Ti0.40, Al0.25) N for metal-cutting tools.

The article discusses the multilayer composite coating Cr-CrN-(Cr0.35,Ti0.40,Al0.25)N. This coating has a three-layer architecture with a nanostructured wear-resistant layer. Studies of the cutting properties of the tool with the specified coating were carried out with dry turning of steel 45 at cutting speeds of vc = 200, 250 and 300 m/min. The comparison was carried out with a tool without coating, as well as with commercial coatings of TiN and (Ti, Al) N with the same thickness. Cr-CrN-(Cr0.35,Ti0.40,Al0.25)N coated tools showed the best durability at all considered cutting speeds. In this case, it is possible to recommend the use of a tool with the coating in question when turning structural steel at a cutting speed vc = 250 m/min. At this cutting speed, there is a combination of a rather long period of durability and a balanced nature of wear, without the threat of catastrophic wear.

Keywords: PVD coatings; tool life; thermo stability, nanostructured coating

Yahutlov U.M. System of automatic stabilization of temperaturemodein the cutting area in the turning processing

We considered an automated cooling system for the cutting zone during turning, based on the use of a tube with a vortex effect. It uses information about the temperature of cutting, obtained by calculation-experimental method. The proposed temperature control system in the cutting zone will allow solving the problems of automatic stabilization of the cutting temperature to improve the quality and productivity of processing.

Keywords: cutting tool, cutting temperature, heat load modeling, vortex effect.

Larionov M. A., Gusev D. V. Development of a program for predicting the expected parameters of the accuracy of the product manufactured by 3SP RP-technology

   Annotation The article discusses the development of a program that allows to calculate the expected parameters of the accuracy of the product made by one of the most popular methods of rapid prototyping technology. The principle of operation of the 3D printer on which there was a production of samples is shown. Descriptions of all working blocks of the program are given.

Keywords: prototyping, 3SP method, 3D printer, product, calculation program.

Rygin R.E. Kulikov M.Yu. Popov A.Yu. Development of technology for honing holes in Nickel-chromium alloys

The study of the causes of the low accuracy of the holes produced in the details of chromium-nickel alloys by honing. Set defining role sludge formed during cutting, deterioration in accuracy of shape obtained apertures. It shows a developed technology for high precision holes in the parts manufactured in chromium-nickel alloys.

Keywords: high precision hole machining, chromium-nickel alloy, honing, abrasive machining.

Yagodkin M.V. Study of the formation of the moment on the cutting tool axis when machining threaded holes ultra-small diameter

   The article considers the features of the thread cutting process in ultra-small diameter holes (d≤1,4) , the influence of the diameter on the patterns of treatment and education shavings, identifies the causes of low reliability thread cutting and ways to improve them.

Keywords: threading: ultra-small diameter, thin turning, the cross section of the chip, the formation of the moment on the cutting tool axis

V.E. Inozemtsev The using of electrochemical machining methods for the forming of surfaces which were made of ductile and porous materials

The researching shows different important results these allow to determine the effect of the using of electrochemical machining during the exersice of such machining operations as a turning, a thread-cutting. Here were considered the parameters of wares that are made of porous cermet on copper base were also investigated with determination of residual porosity after traditional and the complex processing. The influence of processing modes, environmental conditions, using cutting tools those were made of different materials and the imposition of an electric field. As a result of research, here are some dependences of the surface roughness on the complex effect of factors during the processing of aluminum alloys.

Keywords: aluminum, copper, alloy, turning, finishing, roughness, porosity, combined processing, quality parameters, the modes, lubricant coolant.

V.A. Logvin, I.V.Tereshko, S.A. Sheptunov The changes of the dislocation structure of metals after processing in the glow discharge


In the article are presented the results of researches of changes in the dislocation structure of metals after processing in the glow discharge. On the example of annealed α-Fe, is established significant changes in the dislocation structure at a considerable depth from the irradiated surface of the materials with little defect in the initial state, at the same time close to observed at different types of plastic deformation.

Keywords: plasma, glow discharge, dislocation structure, automated technological environment, vacuum installations