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Biotekhnosfera №1/2022

Biotekhnosfera №1/2022

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Human’s Health State Assessment and Monitoring Systems

Nemirko A. P., Popadina A. O. Recognition of lifethreatening arrhythmias by the spectral characteristics of a short electrocardiogram recording
Alekseev B. E., Yuldashev Z. M., Manilo L. A., Nemirko A. P., Levchuk S. A. The influence of alcohol intoxication on the parameters of heart rate variability
Manilo L. A., Kholmatov D. U. Recognition of congestive heart failure using a complex correlation measure of the heart rate signal
Kalinichenko A. N. Algorithm for assessing blood pressure from a photoplethysmogram signal based on a onedimensional convolutional artificial neural network
Sharova N. V., Cherkashin D. V., Sobolev A. D., Solov’ev I. A. Determination of peak inspirate flow for selection of the optimal inhalator in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease non-exanction
Daminova E. A. The method and system for diagnosing disorders and assessing the functional state of the foot
Daminova E. A. Method and algorithm for diagnosing disorders and assessing the functional state of the foot
Antipov N. O. Analysis of heart rate variability in patients with pulmonary diseases by methods of nonlinear dynamics
Korneeva I. P. A model for predicting of chronic noncommunicable diseases complications based on the health state remote monitoring results

Theory and Practice of Biomedical Engineering

Sadykova E. V., Yuldashev Z. M., Gapanenok A. E. Digital model of electrical stimulation of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve
Sсhevchenko D. S. System and method for modeling human heart rhythm disturbances
Yuldashev Z. M., Semenova E. A. Problems of development remote health monitoring system for patients with chronic diseases

Bioengineering Systems

Mochalin D. N. Multi-channel flow generators in pneumatically driven ventilators
Mochalin D. N., Egorov D. A. Comparative analysis of operating modes of artificial lung ventilation devices
Palogiannidis D. Spatial sound navigation system for visually impaired individuals